Please read and accept:

Please read each section and check the box indicating you have read and accept.

The Garden Plot Rules:
Gardeners will:
1. Plant and continuously produce vegetables, fruits, herbs and companion plants as appropriate for each growing season.
2. Maintain the allotted plot(s), including weeding, watering, mulching and all other required maintenance and upkeep.
3. Respect neighboring plots by keeping vines and shade from tall plants or trellis plants within your plot borders.
4. Mulch all soil with organic matter - plots should never contain bare soil. During winter, gardeners must completely mulch plot(s) and/or plant a cover crop. If gardeners are not planting winter crops, they must remove dead plants and temporary structures by the provided deadline.
5. Refrain from the use of chemicals. Gardeners agree never to use unapproved pesticides or herbicides in the Garden. The goal is to be an organic community garden.
6. Walk only through provided Garden paths. Gardeners should not step on the plot soil or beds.
7. Responsibly use and put away all community Garden provided tools. The shed should be locked at all times.
8. Weed and maintain the common areas and paths immediately around their plot(s).
9. Only harvest or work in other gardeners' plots if they have permission from that gardener.
10. Keep common areas free of litter, tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.
11. Not conduct any activity which may be dangerous to life, limb or property, or permit the maintenance of any public or private nuisance, within or about the Garden area.
12. Abide by all rules and regulations which Licensor may prescribe for the use of the Garden.
13. Supervise all children that enter the Garden. Youth participation is encouraged with adult guidance. All minors must be accompanied by an adult while working in the Garden. Adults are responsible for the behavior of all minor children they supervise.
14. Supervise all pets while in the Garden. Pets are allowed within the Garden, however pets must be leashed and under control at all times. Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets and for removing all pet waste from the Garden. Never compost dog and cat feces.

In addition, all gardeners have the following responsibilities to the Garden:
1. Participate in common area chores such as weeding, composting, keeping all tools in the community shed, participating in the community plot, etc. as defined by Licensor or its designated representative. Each gardener will be asked to perform a minimum of 4 hours of service per year to the Garden.
2. Gardeners are asked to donate all surplus produce to a community organization such as Share the Harvest, Allen Community Outreach, or another local food pantry.
3. If, for any reason, you cannot maintain your plot, please inform the Fairview Town center Management Office so that the plot may be reassigned.
4. Strive to resolve all grievances with other gardeners in a fair and appropriate manner. Grievances that can not be resolved should be brought to the attention of the designated Garden representative.

By selecting this checkbox, you agree that if a permit is issued pursuant to this Application (a "Permit"), Applicant will defend, indemnify and hold Village FV, LTD ("Owner"), Lincoln Property Company Commercial, Inc. ("Management Company" or "Management"), each tenant of the Shopping Center, and the Merchants’ Association, if any (collectively, the "Indemnitees"), harmless from and against any and all claims for personal injuries, death, damages, costs, and/or other expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from or in any way connected with the use of the Common Area of the Shopping Center or any part or facility thereof by the Applicant or its agents, members, partners, associates, contractors, servants, invitees, and employees (the "Applicant Party(ies)"), and Applicant does hereby release, discharge and acquit the Indemnitees and all their respective shareholders, directors, employees, customers and invitees from any and all claims, demands, and actions for any loss, cost, expense, damage, death or injury either to the person or property of any Applicant Party sustained by reason of any condition of said Common Area or the Shopping Center, or due to any act of any Indemnitees or the act of any other person or entity whatsoever, all of which claims are hereby waived by Applicant for itself and each Applicant Party. The releases and indemnities in this paragraph shall apply EVEN IF THE LOSS, COST, EXPENSE, DAMAGE, DEATH OR INJURY IS CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF ANY INDEMNITEE OR THE INDEMNITEE WOULD BE STRICTLY LIABLE THEREFORE.

Garden Information

  • $50 for the first plot; $20 each additional plot

Gardener Information



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